s Committee - Australian Association of Friends of Botanic Gardens {/literal}

Information and Files

Links to files and resources for new and current members including membership forms are available from the Files below.

Information Kit pdf file

Members Application Form pdf file

Rules of Australian Association of Botanic Gardens Inc. (2016)  pdf file

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between BGANZ and AAFBG 2024  pdf file



AAFBG Management Committee 2024-25  

The Association is managed by the volunteer committee and a part-time Administration Officer.  The Committee is made up of the nominated representatives of the Members.

Currently being revised.





Honorary Accountant:  Tony Stanton, Friends Australian National Botanic Gardens ACT

Jill Brownlee - Friends of Noosa Botanic Gardens, QLD

Past President:
Linda Beveridge, Friends ANBG

Ordinary Committee Members:
Jill Brownlee - President, Friends of Noosa Botanic Gardens, QLD
Gill Simons, Friends of Botanic Gardens of Adelaide, SA
Linda Beveridge, Friends Australian National Botanic Gardens, ACT
Rosemary Davies, Friends Ballarat Botanical Gardens, VIC
Roger Permezel, Friends Buninyong Botanic Gardens, VIC
Graham Tupper, Friends of the North Coast Regional Botanic Garden, QLD

Eucalypt (Campsis) Editor: 
Email Editor: editor@friendsbotanicgardens.org

Dr Judy West, AO

Acting Administration Officer:
Wordsworth Communicating, Adel Urie and Barb Schriver
Email Administration Officer:

Website Management: 
Email:  WordsWorth communicating


Please contact us for information about opportunities for joining the Association Management Committee.