s 2024 Tours and Tourism - Australian Association of Friends of Botanic Gardens {/literal}

 Conference Tours


Regional Tourism

Mary Cairncross Scenic Reserve to Noosa Botanic Gardens

Bus Tour: Friday 23 August, 8.30 am- 4 pm; $75 pp.

Open for delegates and their partners; book on Registration Form

Numbers are limited, so it’s ‘first-in-best-impressed’ for this one! 

The Roman-style amphitheater overlooking Lake Macdonald at Noosa Botanic Gardens. 

Bush Magic’ Morning at Maroochy Bushland Gardens

Thanks from MRBBG: Monday 26 August, 8.30 am -1.30 pm; FREE

Let us share our stories, the natural setting, new gardens, local flora - and Friendly fare.

  • Early morning tours including birdlife in the Tall Gums bushland trails and endangered riparian ecosystems.
  • A choice of Guided Tours in the Gardens including the Friends’ roles in the world-class Sculpture
  • Garden, the Whipbird Walk & Village, and (‘opening soon’!) the Butterfly Discovery Garden.
  • Morning Tea and Lunch included.

Maroochy regional bushland botanic garden collection

The Sunshine Coast region

The Maroochy regional bushland botanic garden is located in Tanawha on the Sunshine Coast.

The Sunshine Coast region is recognised by UNESCO as an international site of excellence, known as a biosphere.

Enjoy a taste of subtropical Queensland in time for the start of Spring 2024 - come and experience our wildflower season; you’ll get to meet new Friends as well as the Friendly and knowledgeable locals...

For Further Information about the region: www.visitsunshinecoast.com (things to see and do, food and accommodation).

See also Noosa by Nature by clicking HEREwww.visitnoosa.com.au/blog/noosa-by-nature


Conference contacts

E:  bgfriends2024@gmail.com
W: www.friendsofmaroochybotanicgardens.org.au

The AAFBG acknowledges the Sunshine Coast Country, home of the Kabi Kabi peoples and the Jinibara peoples, the Traditional Custodians, whose lands and waters we all now share.