s AAFBG Conference 2016 - Australian Association of Friends of Botanic Gardens


Your 2016 AAFBG Conference - Hosted by Friends of Geelong Botanic Gardens


Partners and Sponsors
Cafe Go, 37 Bellerine Street, Geelong
City of Greater Geelong and Geelong Botanic Gardens 
Geelong Conference Centre
Roraima Nursery, Lara
Tourism Greater Geelong and the Bellarine
Barwon Water
Botanic World Discoveries
The Bookshop at Queenscliff

Conference Presentations

Dave Kendal - How are Urban Landscapes Important to People
Cathy Powers - Something's Happening!  Citizen Science in the Brisbane Ranges
Graeme Stockton - Geelong Regional Growth:  Threats to Flora and Ecosystem Sustainability
Professor Tim Entwisle - Connecting with Social Media
Greg Moore - Urban Tree Management Strategies for Climate Change
Neville Walsh - Threatened Flora of Victoria

read full Conference Presentations details here and view the Conference Program here.


Go to the FGBG website for full details.